Saturday, September 20, 2008

Chapter 2

David wondered where he was. He sat on a white chair in a large room. The room was very bright. David thought about how he came here. What was the last thing he could remember? He remembered sitting at home, eating his dinner. Then he was somewhere else… it was dark, he was outside… why did he go out? And what happened after that? “Where am I?” he asked himself, “Why am I here?”

The same voice that called his name earlier now answered the question.

“You are in my house. I found you lying unconsciously in the street.” David looked behind him. A girl was standing there. A girl he knew. “How did you find me,” he said, “if you were unconscious?”

The girl laughed &mdash what was her name again? He should know that &mdash and replied: “You were the one that was unconscious. You fell down about five feet from my porch. I couldn’t leave you there.” “Well, that explains one thing. I still don’t know what I was doing lying on the street.” “You were unconscious,” suggested the girl. “Yes. I know.” he said, “you already told me. I meant: what did I do &mdash or what happened to me &mdash that caused me to be lying unconsciously by your porch.”

At that exact same moment was Enrico rubbing his beard. He always did that when things weren’t going how he planned them to go. His “associates” had lost the boy he wanted to kill. He would do it himself. At this point, his killer instinct started boiling. Whether it was his upbringing or, as Enrico himself always said during blind dates, “Just his Eskimo-heritage,” he lived for the hunt. Oddly enough, he was still single. Enrico took his knife, put his sunglasses on and got on his bike. If one asked me how Enrico’s bike looked like, and if I were to tell the truth, I would have to tell that his bike was very small and was painted pink. I would also tell you that it was a bicycle for small girls. Not that Enrico was a small girl, but he had a very tight budget. In fact, after buying the knife and the sunglasses, he barely had enough money left to buy this one. But since he mostly stayed inside, thinking of evil schemes, while his “associates” were out there doing the dirty work, it wasn’t much of a problem. So it was quite a special occasion, that Enrico went out to find and kill David. Wait, did I say “kill David”? What I meant to say was: “kill the mysterious boy, whose identity is still unknown”.

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